The Day After Prayer
Dear God,
Sovereign Lord, we admit we struggled in this season of election. We are struggling still. As each political party and its subscribers’ root for its candidate, during the media guesses about the vote count, and the votes continue to be counted, we feel the growing tension. We feel those powers which seek to divide us into winners and losers. But we ask a deeper question, today. Are there really winners when we are divided as a people and nation? Is there really “e pluribus urim”– out of many one? Unfortunately, we sense we are divided, and we offer our prayers.
So, we offer our hearts, minds, souls, and hands wide open, committing ourselves to the unity of our nation and your body – the church. We pray for the light of peace in the dark corners; we seek to be the light of Christ which heals the wounded, brings unity from division and discord. Grant us a spirit of discernment that seeks a spirit of understanding and mutual respect of one another that we may come together to seek the well-being of ALL your children.
These are uncertain times, O Lord. These are difficult moments. Please help us to remember that our ultimate allegiance is to you. We do not belong to one party, one ideal, or one platform. Rather, we belong, body and soul, to our risen Savior and your Son, our Lord. Create in us new hearts, and fill our hearts with love, compassion, and commitment to peace. Empower us to be bridge builders and advocates for truth. Grant us patience as votes are counted and powers are transferred.
All wise and knowing God, please guide our nation’s leaders. If they are for you and your work, uphold them and strengthen them in the days ahead. If they be for themselves and their own power and agendas, please convert their hearts and minds or remove them from positions of power. May all leaders govern with righteousness, mercy, and compassion. Guard them and uphold their courage to seek the common good over partisan interests. Like the prophets of old, may they be compassionate toward the vulnerable and the marginalized and the widowed, working tirelessly to ensure that every voice is heard and valued.
Compassionate Lord, we lift our nation to you. We pray for every citizen, every candidate, and every public servant. We pray for the poll workers, the election monitors, the police, and the agencies that are strained in our election cycles. We ask for your protection over our democratic processes and institutions. May they reflect integrity, transparency and fairness, honoring the dignity and worth of every individual created in your image.
So, here we are and here we will remain. We are yours. For you are the God of yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and as we navigate through these tumultuous times, we are reminded of the sacred duty you have entrusted to us in the words of your prophet Micah, “to do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with you, our God.” May we strive to be your justice seekers and peacemakers as we seek to humbly walk with you.
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is our peace and our hope, we pray. Amen.
Eddie Bellis, Interim Pastor
Keveon Beavers, one of FPC’s choir members and DSU student will be presenting his senior recital this Friday, November 15th at 7:30 p.m. in the Bologna Performing Arts Center Recital Hall in Cleveland, MS.
Calendar, Week of
November 17-23 , 2024
Chancel Choir rehearsal-choir room 8:45 a.m.
Worship 10 a.m.
Delta Cotton Belles 3 p.m.
Youth 5:30-7 p.m.
Sunday Night Live 5:30-7 p.m.
Men’s Coffee Group meets-library 10 a.m.
Deacon Council meets 4 p.m.
Handbell rehearsal 5 p.m.
Tuesday Morning Bible study 9 a.m.
Administrative Council meets noon
Membership Council meets 3:30 p.m.
Boy Scouts meet 5:30-8 p.m.
Staff meeting 10 a.m.
Those Who Like to Read meet 11:30 a.m.
Mollie Stock Prayer Shawl Min. 1:30 a.m.
Water Team meets 5:15 p.m.
FPP Chapel
MOW Thanksgiving bags delivered
Those Assisting in Special Ways This Week & Next
Children’s Sermon
11-17 Jobyna France
11-24 Kendall Cox, Wade Chambers
11-10, 17 Mitchell & Fountain families Harvest Display
Livestream Camera
11-17 Taff Hitt, 11-24 Ben Schuster
11-17 Melissa Cadenhead, 11-24 Ike Trotter
MOW Delivery
11-23 Mike Caulfield
12-7 Frankie & Parker England
MOW Tray Assembly
11-22 Angela Phillips
12-6 Sherry Spragins
November Ushers
William Lane, Head Usher
Kevin Murrell, John Parkinson, Scott Phillips
December Ushers
Bobby Warrington, Head Usher
Dave Clarke, David Clarke, Scott McElvain
_____________________________________ in our prayers this week:
FPC’s Family:
Dawn Gamble, Betty Lynn Cameron
Those in assisted living/extended healthcare:
The Pinnacle: Ruth Ann Brent, #113, Pat Chambers #105A, Bill Gamble #103 (loves visits and sweet treats!)
Magnolia Gardens: Kay Frost (Mike Caulfield’s sister)
Away: Courtney Bacon % The Forum 5055 W. Panther Creek Dr., Apt. 4104, The Woodlands, TX 77381 662-332-0539
Betty Lynn Cameron, Brookdale Dogwood Creek, 8199 Poplar Ave, Germantown, TN 38138
Judy Jones, 179 Crossover Dr., Brandon, MS 39042
FPC’S Friends:
Bob Flautt (Coco Buehler’s nephew)
Grace Clarke
Bill McGough (Coco Buehler’s nephew)
Phil Lee, Jr.
Linda Fratesi
Butch Ashmore
Sara Hinkle Jordan (daughter of Beth & Bubba Hinkle)
Chan Humphreys
Rubye Warrington
Carolyn Cunningham
John Cox
John Sansing (Jobyna France’ brother)
Susan Ray (friend of Lisa Willis)
Evelyn Brazeal (family friend of Alverson family)
The Robbie Tonos family
Brandon Cox (Pat Cox’s son, Kendall Cox's brother)