If you have anything you would like added to the Church at Work please make sure to send it to Susan in the church office ( no later than 11 a.m. on Wednesday. Any pictures or clip art will need to be in jpeg format.
For any announcements for the Sunday bulletin insert please make sure to send it to Susan by Tuesday at noon. Sunday bulletins are printed on Wednesday afternoon.
Thank you!
A Grief/Share group is a safe, welcoming place where people who have lost a loved one or close friend to death within the last two to three years begin to understand the difficult emotions of grief. At this 11-week support group program, you’ll discover what’s “normal” in grief. At each weekly meeting, you will view a video featuring respected counselors, pastors, and healthcare professionals on grief-related topics, plus you’ll hear relatable personal stories of grief. After that is a small-group discussion to allow people time to talk, share support, and personally apply what they learned on the video. Session topics include what's normal in grief; how to handle difficult emotions such as fear, anxiety, loneliness, and anger; what to do with regrets, questions for God, and worries about the future. Everyone will receive a book, at no charge, to take home filled with valuable exercises for navigating their personal grieving process.
Starting Feb. 5, Grief/Share will be offered at First Presbyterian Church at One John Calvin Circle on Wednesdays at 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Grief/Share will be lead by Rev. Dr. Tom Atkins, a United Methodist pastor for 28 years and former Hospital/Hospice Chaplain for 16 years. Dr. Atkins’ doctoral dissertation focused on the spiritual dynamics of grief and loss.
Those interested in participating in Grief/Share support group can register for the program by calling Greenville First Presbyterian Church at 662-332-3144. Registration will end on Monday, Feb. 3 and will be limited to 16 participants.
The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 2nd immediately following worship, please make sure to mark your calendars for this very important meeting.
The Mission Council will be serving a Meal at Sacred Space on January 28th. If you would like to help, please feel free to contact Dana Warrington.
Pottery Update: Focus on Mardi Gras Madness!
Open Studio Pottery times:
Every Sunday from 2-4 pm from now until MGM.
February 6th and 13th from 9-11.
New this year: Potters Ann Jones and Richard Dattel will have mugs and bowls for you to purchase at MGM and you can paint them yourself! They’ll fire them and get them to you—fun!
If you have questions, please contact Ann Jones:
Mardi Gras Madness Means Mission!
Thanks Jon for a great reminder during last Sunday’s children’s sermon: Mardi Gras Madness Means Mission! Rebekah created these beautiful posters for us—thanks Rebekah! Our potters are busy creating wind chimes (see note on how you can help). What’s Cooking is getting geared up for 2025. The big push right now is TICKETS! We have 500 to sell and with all of us doing our part, we’ll knock that out together! Tickets can be purchased by contacting Docia (662-931-1249) or you can buy them online by going to this link:
Please copy and paste this link to share with your family and friends. You can also purchase water system parts at this link—buying a part is a great way to BE A PART of people having access to safe drinking water!
$20 for an amazing meal that will warm the soul, all for the great cause of serving God’s children who are in need of our love and care!
Our Adult Sunday School class is studying You Are Changing the World by David LaMotte. We meet most Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. in the Session room. January 26th is our next meeting and our conversation will focus on chapters 3-5.
As we begin the 2025 year, please find an updated prayer list. If you know of any FPC family or friends of FPC who need special prayers, contact the church office.
In Our Prayers:
FPC Family:
Wendell Hoyle
The Clarke Reed family
Julie Mosow
Those in Assisted Living:
The Pinnacle
Ruth Ann Brent
Pat Chambers
Bill Gamble
Magnolia Gardens
Kay Frost
Courtney Bacon
Judy Jones
Betty Lynn Cameron
Phil Lee, Jr
Linda Fratesi
Terri Schilling
Rubye Warrington
John Cox
David Cochran
Elizabeth Jordan (Robert Jordan’s sister)
Raymond Wong
Billy George Janous
Myra Kogutt (Terri Lane’s mother)
Calendar, Week of January 26-February 1, 2025
Chancel Choir rehearsal 8:45 a.m.
Sunday school 9 a.m.
Worship 10 a.m.
SNL & Youth 5:30-7 p.m.
Men’s Coffee Group 10 a.m.
Stated Session meeting 5:30 p.m.
Ladies Bible study 9 a.m.
Boy Scouts meet 6:30-8 p.m.
Prayer Shawl Group meets 1:30 p.m.
Staff meets 10 a.m.
FPP Chapel 10 a.m.
Those Assisting in Special Ways This Week & Next
Children’s Sermon
1-26 Beverly Trotter, 2-2 Docia England
1-26 Dottie Collins, 2-2 Jane & Gene Stock
Livestream Camera
1-26 Joe Nash, 2-2 Kathleen Montgomery
1-26 Kendall Cox, 2-2 Dave Clarke
MOW Delivery
2-1 Kathleen Montgomery & Becky Watts
2-8 Perry England
MOW Tray Assembly
1-31 Kit Clarke, 2-7 Sherry Spragins
January Ushers
Jim Bell, Head Usher
Bruce Baskett, Tommy Hart, Tim McCann
February Ushers
Harold Mitchell, Head Usher
David Bush, Carl Hagwood, Charlie Tindall